I will confess, I am embarrassingly inept when it comes to any knowledge of Asian food. I have a thing about rice which has plagued me since childhood. To spare the sordid details to all three of my readers, let’s just suffice it to say I’m probably the only person known to mankind that has suffered from a rice induced trauma and related PTSD. I’m always frustrated by it and wish I could get past it but I can’t, and so I’ve never really eaten rice. Because of this, I don’t get out to many Asian food restaurants. I have tried a few things (noodles are my friends) and while I’ve always loved what I’ve tried, I’ve been quite limited.
I found an advertisement online for a restaurant looking for a food photographer. I had no problem tossing aside my Williams & Sonoma cookbook (that I have years to master) in exchange for going and having take-out with my camera!
I had the time of my life last night, being able to engage in my ultimate fantasy of sharing my food with my camera equipment (including flashes, studio lighting; the whole setup) while enjoying all of the freedom one could possibly have within a dining establishment.
Last night was all about test shooting and getting a handle on the odds and ends that will be needed once the real shoots start happening. All of the props, styling and glamour that will go into this food are currently being gathered and I can’t wait to begin.
I'll keep posting as the project progresses; I look for this to take at least two weeks (but maybe more) as we'll be doing every single item on the menu, along with individual ingredients for advertising and marketing touches here and there. Wish me the best of luck on my journey!
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