As I start (yet another freaking blog), I just want to make a few comments.
1.) I don't like to cook. Sometimes I blame the altitude (just about 6,000ft above sea level - and it really does take about 20 minutes for water to boil....), sometimes I blame picky customers (kids), and sometimes I just admit the truth which is that I'm lazy when it comes to food. The preparation, the cleaning, the measuring... ick. It's just not my thing.
2.) I am not very good at cooking. #1 is probably the biggest contributing factor to my lack of skill, but there are other things such as the altitude (did I mention how high up we are?), lack of proper cooking equipment (guessing that the microwave doesn't count), lack of time and yes folks back to #1, lack of motivation. Until recently.
My lust for food photography probably started at a wedding I was shooting, and grew exponentially from there. I don't know why or how but I do know that I fell in love. Hard. I've been setting up studio lighting in my kitchen (much to the dismay of my family) and shooting everything and anything that could possibly be consumed as much as I can (just short of driving my family insane).
Now I'm faced with a conundrum. Unless I find a chef or restaurateur who wants to cook specifically for my photography (doubt it...), I'm going to have to either train my 12 year old to cook (talk about the blind leading the blind), or learn how to do it myself.
So I've reached an agreement with my family.
No studio lights during dinner...
No "wasting" food (that means, no shoe polish, glue or glycerin to pretty up food for the photos)...
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